Rüggs - Page 4



Or rather: Lack thereof..
Rüggs never saw any point with manners. Noisy and messy eating, loud belches, and showing tonsils and uvula to everybody when yawning is just normal.

"Self-lovingness and caring":

A rügg typically in constantly love with himself, and with his species in general. That makes them happy individuals, peaceful among their own, but they also tend to arrogance towards other species.
Or, in other words - it's nice to be among rüggs - if you are a rügg yourself.

Rüggs care a whole lot about their apparance. It's just that their preferences are different from humans. When humans see rüggs with their untidy hair and in simple clothings, they may think they don't care, but that is wrong. It's just that the rügg happen to love this kind of style. Rüggs are actually highly obsessed with how they look like, and they love their natural apparance. Thus, rügg homes have lots of mirrors (rectangular of course, and in body size) so they can look at themselves and enjoy.. :-D

Rüggs' sense of aesthetics:


Rüggs love the rectangular form, so much what they build is based on that shape - like housing, furniture, or vehicles like trucks, or spaceships. ..


Rüggs have an overall straight-forward attitude. They like to express what they think or feel in the most direct, easiest and simpliest way every possible. Their language is literal, rarely or never figurative, and it hardly contains irony. For the same reason - rüggs don't like poetry, for them that is just wasting time on finding ways to express oneself unecessarily complicated. Rüggs don't use typical human polite ways to word needs or wishes, like "may I have.." or "would you be so kind and..", but rather the direct "I need.." or "I want..". Human phrases like "excuse me" and "I beg your pardon" are replaced by "hey, you!" and "what?!"

The image shows an example of typical rügg-human miscommunication.

O.O ..


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