Rüggs - Page 3


Rüggs are natural born predators. They love to kill for eating, or even eat their prey while it's still alive. It's nice when the prey is struggling, kicking, crying or otherwise showing that it doesn't want to get eaten, because that adds to the experience that the predator is successful as such. Or simply because of the thrill or fun of it.

The Food for the Rüggs

Some words about rüggs' favorite food..


Rüggs can eat any form of animal, including birds, fish and invertebrata, but they definitely prefer red meat: Mammals - primarily rodents, rabbits or hoofed animals like deer, sheep or antelopes - but anything goes should the rügg be hungry or desperate enough. Most popular are small rodents like hamsters or guinea pigs - They are easy to keep and breed, and their cuteness makes them particularly fun to kill.


Rüggs also snack humans from time to time. However, humans are not considered as prey per default: if one individual human is food or not depends on his/her attitude towards the rüggs: Humans can be friends, allies, neutral or hostile minded, and only the latter makes them food. Rüggs don't eat their own, and humans (being their ancestors) count as such - as long as they are friendly minded. However, most humans are not: They dislike or even hate rüggs because of rügg species arrogance - that the rüggs actually do consider humans as possible food, but also for their attitude towards other humanoid beings like the olacoids. Moreover, many humans cannot relate to general rügg behavior, and thinking "stupid silly rügg" may be enough to become a meal.


Favorite food for most rüggs are so-called olacoids, a humanoid species with huge round heads. Olacoids typically smile a lot and behave in a "dumb and annoying" way (at least that is how the rüggs name it). Actually, olacoids' average IQ is considerably lower than of humans, somewhere between 80 and 90 instead of around 100. Olacoids can reproduce at high rate: a female is fertile at age of ten terran years and can get litters of 10-20 pinkies every 50-100 days. Maybe the humans actually should be thankful that rüggs eat olacoids, otherwise, they would have been outnumbered and overrun by olacoids within few generations..

The Rügg mouth

Sharp teeth and a muscular tongue is useful when eating food of tougher texture such as raw meat. Rüggs also tend to drool a lot, particularly when they are eating, are about to eat or just see something they consider tasty, but additionally to that it may actually happen anytime else too.

The rügg stomach

Extremely stretchy; rüggs can stuff in a lot of food at once so that they don't need to feed again for days. This is not only time saving, but fits in well with typical rügg behavior: They like to focus on one and the same activity for a long time, without any interuption.

Prey recognition:

Rüggs instinctively recognize what is prey and what is not. In general, similarities in apparance, or behavior which the rügg can relate to keeps a creature from getting eaten. There may also be cases of doubt, such as humans, which rüggs for that reason do not attack by default. However, it doesn't really need much time to recognize that the ugly and upright annyoing olacoids are perfect prey.

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